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Oh, The Places We Live

Oh, The Places We Live

Big-city lifestyle, quiet countryside, bustling suburban life – we enjoy it all in northwest Chicagoland. From our bedroom communities and scenic subdivisions to our downtown districts and rural landscapes, the places we live are as diverse and as interesting as the people who call this land home. Elgin What’s now Illinois’ sixth-largest city made its…

Chocolatey Goodness

Chocolatey Goodness

It’s OK to cheat on your diet with some indulgent chocolate from Riverside Chocolate Factory, in McHenry. It’s also OK to take a bite of this heavenly chocolate and, without thinking, blurt out the words, “Oh, my goodness.”This chocolate destination has been around since 1986, and its owners have one goal: satisfy taste buds with… nettiksaino Suomi valvoo kaksi rahapeliviranomaista, joilla on erittäin hyvä maine, nimittäin Malta Gaming Authority ja Curaçao eGaming. Sen pääkonttori sijaitsee Maltalla, ja siinä on SSL (Secure Socket Layer) -salaus, tekniikka, joka varmistaa, että pelaajien arkaluonteiset tiedot pysyvät hyvin suojattuina. Näin estetään se, että rikolliset tai muut pahantahtoiset tahot voivat lukea tai muuttaa tietoja. Lisäksi tällä luotettavalla…

Magyarországi online kaszinók: Átfogó útmutató

Magyarország gazdag szerencsejáték-történettel rendelkező ország. A hagyományos szárazföldi kaszinóktól az online szerencsejátékokig a magyarok mindig is rajongtak a szerencsejátékokért. Az online kaszinók megjelenésével a szerencsejáték minden eddiginél elérhetőbbé vált. Ebben a cikkben mindent megvizsgálunk, amit a magyarországi online kaszinókról tudni kell. Jogi keret A szerencsejátékot Magyarországon a magyar szerencsejáték-törvény szabályozza, amely 2015-ben lépett hatályba….

25 Most Interesting People

25 Most Interesting People

Click here to read the amazing stories of these interesting people.

Harlan Jefferson

Harlan Jefferson

All Heart and Soul Harlan Jefferson has played saxophone from New Orleans to Los Angeles, but he’s most comfortable when he’s home in Rockford. “My family and friends are here,” he says. “I feel the same way Rick Nielsen (of Cheap Trick) does. I like to get out of the area and play, but there’s…

Tia Lasswell

Tia Lasswell

Prepared for Anything When Tia Lasswell was voted Rockford’s No. 1 Wedding Planner by The Knot, her own fiance wasn’t surprised.“He was like, ‘Everyone can see the passion you have for what you’re doing,’” Lasswell says. “He pushes me to do more. I’ll stay until the bitter end of your wedding and pack you up in…

Henry McDavid

Henry McDavid

The Universe is Calling Call it destiny, or call it the product of positive thinking – either way, it’s been a driving force for this serial entrepreneur. Growing up in DeKalb, Henry McDavid never dreamed of owning his own business, even though he was earning fistfuls of cash selling goods to friends and colleagues. Dozens…